Sleep: A Non-REM Sleep Assist Enhanced with Nanotechnology

How much restorative sleep do you get every night? Whether you are 8 months old or 80 years old, getting enough sleep will always be vital to your health and well-being. The right amount of sleep positively affects your energy levels, mood, mental, emotional, and physical development.  

Unfortunately, research shows that we don’t get the 8 hours of total sleep needed, nor do we get the quality of deep restorative sleep needed to perform at our very best.  

Depriving our bodies of sleep affects our relationships, focus, alertness, and thinking ability. Getting enough deep restorative sleep every night helps boost energy levels, optimize body performance, strengthen the immune system, promote emotional happiness and hormonal balance, keep a healthy lean weight, increase brain function, and support a strong heart and vascular system. 

Although countless sleep supplements on the market aim to help with sleep support, Solex saw the opportunity to develop a deep restorative sleep supplement unlike any other.  


Why You’ll Love It 

Sleep™ by Solex helps the body gently go through the entire sleep process naturally. Using liposomal nanotechnology and direct-to-mouth delivery, Sleep™ accelerates nutrient absorption while enabling the body to quickly slumber into deep restorative sleep cycles and then wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized, and full of energy. 

Sleep™ targets the three pillars that help your body recover and recharge to experience life optimally.   

  • Mind-Calming —The brain reboots itself while sleeping, helping remove heavy metals and other toxic compounds that can accumulate throughout the day. Sleep™ helps the brain wind down to a state where it can repair proper organ function and restore cellular energy [4].

  • Muscle Relaxing  Sleep™ uses high-quality ingredients to help your muscles to calm and relax naturally and achieve a state of serenity that can help you achieve deep restorative sleep faster and more soundly. [5].

  • Liver support - The liver is vital for detoxifying and destroying substances that are harmful to the body. When we sleep, the liver works its hardest to cleanse and detoxify our bodies between 1 and 3 am. The ingredients in Sleep™ help the liver naturally perform regulatory processes efficiently and effectively. [6].


Ingredients in Sleep

The ingredients in this formulation maximize the use of each material while working synergistically without causing added stress to the body.   

Phenyl-GABA or Pharma GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

GABA works as a neurotransmitter to improve communication between brain cells, with its central role in calming the activity of neurons in the brain and the central nervous system. GABA allows for increased relaxation, creating a calming effect, supporting healthy stress levels, calming nerves, enhancing relaxation, and promoting deep restorative sleep. [7, 8].

Magnesium Glycinate (or Mag non-buffered Biglycinate Chelate)

A combination of magnesium with the amino acid glycine, which is easily absorbed. Glycinate has been found to improve sleep duration by balancing core body temperature and has additional benefits such as maintaining healthy blood pressure, promoting blood glucose levels, and supporting muscle and nerve functions. [9, 10, 11, 12].


A naturally occurring branch chain amino acid. It works together with GABA to help calm brain activity, calm nerves, and promote restful sleep cycles. Taurine also naturally creates melatonin in the pineal gland to signal sleepiness to the brain. [13, 14, 15, 16].


Glycine is an amino acid commonly used to produce glutathione (a powerful antioxidant). Because of its ability to be both excitatory and inhibitory for the brain and nervous system, it plays a vital role in cognition, mood, appetite, and sleep. To support sleep, it has a calming effect on the brain, lowers your core body temperature, reduces insomnia symptoms, and elevates serotonin [17, 18].


L-theanine is an amino acid that has the opposite effect of caffeine. It acts as an energy relaxant for mental activity and supports healthy stress responses.  

L-theanine promotes relaxation without drowsiness; it is not a sedative but a promoter of good-quality sleep through priming mindfulness. Additionally, it supports natural chemical changes in the body to slow brain activity, which are linked to promoting mindful serenity and nerve calming [19, 20, 21].


Melatonin is an effective natural sleep hormone produced in the brain that regulates sleep and wakefulness cycles. Melatonin production in the body declines with age. Supplementing with melatonin and stimulating melatonin production promotes a healthy circadian rhythm and calming sleep habits [22, 23].

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium relaxes and positively impacts natural sleep compounds in the brain, such as GABA, melatonin, renin, and cortisol. These compounds promote mindfulness and sleep and affect how relaxed the nerves and muscles feel [24, 25, 26, 27].

Milk Thistle Extract

Milk Thistle Extract derived from the milk thistle plant, Silybum marianum, helps provide excellent liver support and detox. For centuries, it has been used as an herbal remedy protecting the liver from harmful toxins and helping promote healthy inflammation. [28, 29, 30, 31, 32}.

Chamomile Flower Oil (German)

Chamomile is a gentle herb used for thousands of years to promote relaxation and sleep.  [33, 34].


How To Use It 

Dosage: 1ml (approximately 5 sprays) per serving – 30 servings in a bottle.  

Variance can happen from person to person; adjust the serving size according to your needs. (Some people may need 2-3  sprays to achieve desired results; others may need 6 or 7). 

The fine spray of the bottle helps to mist the mouth with the nano ingredients from Sleep™. This misting will help spread the benefits over the surface of the inside of the mouth and on top of and beneath the tongue. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 20 seconds before swallowing. 

The bottle's pump must be "primed" for initial use (getting fluid into the straw). When needed,  
reset the pump by pulling the pump to full extension to repeat full sprays. Additionally, it's important to shake the bottle well before pumping so particles remain suspended evenly throughout the bottle. 


Liposomal and Nanotechnology  

Wondering why Sleep™ has lower doses of ingredients than the average sleep aid?   

The secret is in liposomal nanotechnology, which makes the product more potent by increasing the ingredients' absorption and bioavailability in the cell.  

Nanotechnology reduces the size of the nutrient into tiny nanoparticles to allow for more effective and efficient absorption. When this happens, the ingredients become bioavailable at the cellular level, bypassing barriers and ensuring you get the desired health benefits.   

To take this process to the next level, this formulation uses liposomal delivery, where the ingredients are encapsulated in a phospholipid shield to help deliver them directly into the bloodstream.   

Liposomal and nanotechnology benefits:  

  • Enhanced absorption 

  • Increased bioavailability in the cell 

  • Improved health and performance 


The Perfect Duo

Take the benefits of Sleep™ to the next level by pairing it with AO Scan daily.   

Scanning helps balance your body. When you scan and then optimize, you remove any static or noise that may be blocking your body from peak performance and harmony and reaching its most optimal state.  

This process prepares the body to receive the additional supplements it needs daily to maintain and improve its overall health without causing added stress.  

Additionally, the program's features and modules help you identify other recommended supplements or therapies that resonate with you, depending on the imbalances it detects from your scans. 


Features You’ll Love 

  • No artificial ingredients 

  • Caffeine free 

  • Natural Ingredients  

  • Non-GMO 

  • Dairy-free 

  • Gluten-free 

  • Nut-free  

  • Not tested on animals 

  • Recyclable bottle 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sleep™ is the first and only innovative product formulated with liquid nanotechnology for enhanced absorption, calming mindfulness, muscular relaxing and restoration, liver support and detox, allowing you to gently fall into deep restorative sleep and wake up feeling invigorated and full of energy.

  • Yes, Sleep™ contains nanotechnology which allows a potent lower dose that will not cause dependency or grogginess.

  • Phenyl-GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), magnesium glycinate and citrate, taurine, glycine, L-Theanine, melatonin, milk thistle, chamomile flower oil. This unmatched liquid nano restorative sleep combination is formulated to help your body recover and recharge each night. 

  • Take each of our supplements as directed on the label and avoid taking other branded herbal remedies and medicinal therapies with Sleep™.

  • If you are under 18, this product should be taken under an adult's supervision. All the ingredients in Sleep™ are safe for children over the age of 4 years old to take under the guidance of a parent.

  • If you are under the care of a licensed practitioner for any condition, please consult with them before taking any dietary supplement and/or sleep remedy.

  • Take Sleep™ within 2 hours before going to bed. Spray five pumps directly in your mouth. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 20 seconds before swallowing. Variance can happen from person to person; adjust the serving size according to your needs. (Some may need only 2-3 sprays; others may need more to achieve the desired result).

  • Yes, there are numerous clinical studies for each ingredient in the Sleep™ formula that have demonstrated improved restorative sleep. Please refer to the ‘References’ section of this blog to find some of the studies performed on the ingredients in Sleep™.

  • There are no known adverse reactions or side effects from the nutrients in Sleep™. If you are under the age of 18, pregnant, or have a pre-existing medical condition, consult with your healthcare provider before taking this product. Discontinue use if you suspect any adverse reaction does occur.

  • The fine spray is to mist the mouth with the nano ingredients in Sleep™. This misting will assist in spreading the benefits over the surface of the mouth and tongue to have the fastest absorption.

  • The pump must be "primed" for initial use (getting fluid into the straw) for the fine spray pump used for Sleep™.

    When needed, reset the pump by pulling the pump to full extension to repeat full sprays. Additionally, it's important to shake the bottle well before pumping so particles remain suspended evenly throughout the bottle.


Supported By Science


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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