Solex’s Enhanced Compensation Plan



Solex wants to help everyone win. The enhancements to our Benefits Plan allow for understanding and ease of duplication to help new QLAs be profitable and successful. Our enhanced compensation plan launched on April 1st 2022. It provides even more ways to earn.

There are 6 different ways to make money with the enhanced Solex Benefits Plan as an active QLA; the Liftoff Bonus, Direct Bonus, Rank Advancement Bonus, Monthly Rank Bonus, Pool Bonus & Accelerator, and last but not least, the Retail Bonus. Let’s jump into each one of them!


Liftoff Bonus

Earn 65% of all points from the new enrollment order of a QLA or PC when:

• A Solex Bundles is ordered, in that order.
• The AO Subscription service is ordered, in that order.
• An automatic reoccurring order is placed for the AO Subscription service.

When all requirements are included as a part of the enrollment order, 65% of the points in that order will be commissioned as the Liftoff Bonus.


Direct Bonus

Earn 45% on the points from orders placed by your personally enrolled Customers and QLAs.


Rank Advancement Bonus

When the requirements for a new rank are achieved in three (3) months then a one-time bonus is earned.


Monthly Rank Bonus

After a one-time bonus is achieved, an ongoing monthly bonus can be earned each month that the qualifications for that Rank are maintained.


Pool Bonus & Accelerator

Earn pool shares where revenues received by the company (after all prior bonus are paid) are shared with those who qualify (up to 42% revenues before shipping and tax). Earn shares in the pool for all achieved or maintained ranks in your organization up to the rank that you qualify at for that commission month. Earn an accelerator of your shares from the rank of Pearl all the way to the top. An accelerator multiplies your number of shares by the multiple indicated in the schedule.


Retail Bonus

Earn the difference between the loyalty pricing (pricing for PCs and QLAs) and retail pricing (pricing for Retail Customers) when any directly enrolled Retail Customer purchases. This bonus is earned in addition to the Direct Bonus that is earned from the points associated with products purchased by all those directly enrolled by you.

Printable Resources - PDF Download


Getting Started as a New Solex Distributor (QLA)


All About the AO Scan Sample Pass